Best Diary
material hinderance till we got on Grape Island. In the morning after we got in
the water about knee deep and with levers we hove her off the gravel after
about 1 hour’s hard work—and proceeded till within about 40 miles of
Wheeland [ sic. Wheeling] where we engaged with one Cuppy to pilot us to
Wheeling for 3 dollars after which we came on by ourselves till we fell in with a
large Orleans Boat belonging to Creton, Glass, etc.—to whom we lashed
ourselves and proceeded on to Limestone very agreeably. We passed Killikanic Creek on the 15 th of December and arrived at Limestone the next evening on the 17 th . Thomas and myself set out for Bourbon at which place we arrived on Saturday evening following – sent off a wagon for the remainder of the party which did not get here till Saturday evening the 26 th . Sunday morning the 27 th , James Dover, Wife, and Wm. Chapman left Bourbon for Lexington. On Jan y . the 1 st 1802 being New Year’s Day we found to our great mortification we had picked up the itch on our journey—and this evening Samuel Best anointed himself for the cure of it. On Wednesday 30 th December I worked for
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