Human Rights Portfolio
(Freedom -- Libertad)
Mark PATSFALL -- Cincinnati
Mark Patsfal l , nacido el 17 de abril de 1949 en Milwaukee, WI, tiene dos hijas y un hijo. Es artista, grabador y editor. Un veterano de Vi etnam, Patsfall obtuvo su Maestri a en Bellas Art es en la Universidad de Cincinnati en 1979, fund6 Clay Street Press, Inc. en 1981 y se mud6 a su ubicaci6n actual en Clay St. en Over the Rhine en 1986. Ha trabajado con mu chos artistas locales, nacionales y internacion ales en la creaci6n de estampas originales y multiples de be/las artes. De 1983 a 2000, Patsfa/1 trabaj6 con el artista Nam June Paik coma disenador de esculturas, exposiciones y proyectos publicos. En noviembre de 2004 abri6 una galerf a en su taller.
Mark Patsfall, born April 17, 1949 in Milwau kee, WI, has two daughters and one son. He is an artist, printmaker and publisher. A Vietnam veteran, Patsfall earned his MFA at the Univer sity of Cincinnati in 1979, founded Clay Street Press, Inc. in 1981 and moved to his present location on Clay St. in Over the Rhine in 1986. He has worked with many local, national and international artists in the creation of fine art original prints and multiples. From 1983 - 2000 Patsfall worked with the artist Nam June Paik as designer of sculptures, exhibitions and pub lic projects. in November 2004 he opened a gallery at the press.
"Climate change is the biggest threat to every one's liberty."
"El cambio climatico es la mayor amenaza pa ra la libertad de todos."
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