Human Rights Portfolio
(Home -- Hogar)
Kate ROWEKAMP -- Cincinnati
Kate Rowekamp is a printmaker, illustrator, and animator from Covington, Kentucky. She earned her MFA in Two-Dimensional studio with a concentration in printmaking from Miami University in 2015. As an undergraduate she attended Thomas More College where she earned her BA in studio art and an AA in Art History in 2012. Rowekamp currently lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband and two cats, Buckaroo Banzai and Kyouko. "For my woodcut print concerning the topic of Housing, I chose to explore President Trump U.S. administration's destructive determination to limit access to housing opportunities sought through immigration by constructing new seg ments of border wall. In addition to denying our fellow man these opportunities, such struc tures along the U. S.-Mexico border also threaten wildlife corridors. The jaguar depicted is one of many species whose habitats are af fected. By examining the plight of these crea tures, this design seeks to comment on the re lentless lack of empathy such barriers em body."
Kate Rowekamp es una grabadora, ilustradora y animadora de Covington, Kentucky. Obtuvo su Maestri a de Bellas Art es en estudios bidi mensionales con una concentraci6n en gra bado de la Universidad de Miami en 2015. Co mo estudiante de pregrado, asisti6 a Thomas More College, donde obtuvo su Licenciatura en Arte de estudio y un AA en historia def arte en 2012. Rowekamp actualmente vive en Cin cinnati, Ohio con su esposo y dos gatos, Buck aroo Banzai y Kyouko. "Para mi estampa sabre el tema del Hagar, elegi explorar la determinaci6n destructiva de la administraci6n del Presidente Trump de las Estados Unidos de limitar el acceso a las opor tunidades de vivienda, buscadas a traves de la inmigraci6n, mediante la construcci6n de nue vos segmentos del muro fronterizo. Ademas de negarle a nuestro pr6jimo estas oportuni dades, tales estructuras a lo largo de la fronte ra entre Estados Unidos y Mexico tambien amenazan las corredores de vida silvestre. El jaguar representado es una de las muchas es pecies cuyos habitats se ven afectados. Al ex aminar la dificil situaci6n de estas criaturas, este diseno busca comentar sabre la implaca ble falta de empatia que esas barreras encar nan."
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