Human Rights Portfolio

Edith CHÁVEZ -- Oaxaca

(Media Ambiente --


Edith Chávez es un Artista plastico con espe cialidad en Grafica. Realizó estancia en Minne apolis, Minnesota, E.U.A en Highpoint Center for Printmaking, tambien fue invitada por el Estate Belkis Ayón para exponer en el II Con curso Nacion al de Colograff a Belkis Ayón, Cienfuegos, Cuba. Es acreedora de distintos premios incluyendo el Primer Lugar II Bienal Nacional de Artes Graficas Shinzaburo Takeda, y de Se/ecciones en varios concursos de gra bado: XII Biennale lnternazionale per l’lnci sione Premio ACQUI Italia, The 9th Kochi In ternational Triennial Exhibition of Prints, Japón, IX Premio Internacional de Arte Grafico "Jesús Núñez" España, Primera Bienal Inter nacional de Grabado "José Guadalupe Posa da". Chávez cuenta con muchas Exposiciones individuates: "Loterí a Oaxaquena", "Limbo", “Penumbra", "Carne de gallina" y ''Tejido vegetal"; tambien muchas Exposiciones colec tivas en Argentina, Mexico, China, E.U.A., Cu ba, Nicaragua, Jap6n, Serbia, Italia, Ecuador, Espana, Taiwan, Canada. "El tema de mi estampa es el Medio Ambi ente. Nuestro habitat esta desapareciendo ca da dfa debido a la incidencia humana sobre los ecosistemas. El calentamiento global esta modificando los bosques, desiertos, selvas, mares, glaciares y esta acabando con muchas especies de plantas y animales que en ellas habitan, desde los mas pequenos insectos has ta los grandes mamfferos. Ninguna especie esta exenta de desaparecer algun dfa, incluso los humanos."

Edith Chávez is a fine arts Artist with a specialty in Printmaking. She was an artist in residence at Highpoint Center for Printmaking in Minneap olis, Minnesota, USA, and was also invited by the Estate Belkis Ayón to exhibit at the II Belkis Ayón National Collagraphy Contest at Cienfue gos, Cuba. Chavez is the recipient of various awards including the First Place II National Bi ennial of Print Arts Shinzaburo Takeda; she has also been selected to participate in various printmaking competitions: XII Biennale lnterna zionale per l'lncisione ACQUI Italia Award, The 9th Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints, Japan, IX Award International Graphic Art "Jesús Núñez" Spain, First International Bi ennial of Engraving "Jose Guadalupe Posada". Chavez has had many individual exhibitions: "Oaxaquena Lottery", "Limbo", "Penumbra", "Chicken meat" and "Vegetable tissue"; also many collective exhibitions in Argentina, Mexi co, China, USA, Cuba, Nicaragua, Japan, Ser bia, Italy, Ecuador, Spain, Taiwan, Canada. "The theme of my woodcut print is the Environ ment. Our habitat is disappearing every day due to human impact on ecosystems. Global warming is modifying forests, deserts, jungles, seas, glaciers and is destroying many species of plants and animals that inhabit them, from the smallest insects to large mammals. No species is exempt from disappearing one day, even hu mans."

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