Human Rights Portfolio

Roscoe WILSON -- Cincinnati

(Environment --

Medio Ambiente)

Roscoe Wilson was born and raised in the United States, in northern Indiana and southern Michigan. His environmental values were shaped in this mostly rural Mid-western setting. Growing up in this region ena bled him to experience nature and discover an aware ness that only a forest, lake, and field can offer. Wil son went on to receive a BA from Wabash College in Indiana, a MA in Painting/Printmaking from Purdue University in West Lafayette Indiana, and a MFA from the University of Wisconsin (UW) - Madison where he furthered his interdisciplinary education by studying Printmaking, Sculptural Installation, and Painting. While at UW he was able to study the history of envi ronmentalism and drew inspiration for his artwork from former Wisconsin residents and environmental pioneers like John Muir and Aldo Leopold. Since 2003 he has taught at Miami University Regionals in Ohio where he is currently a Professor of Art and the Chair of the Department of Humanities and Creative Arts. "In 2010, I became deeply affected by the Deep Wa ter Horizon (BP) oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Millions of gallons of oil spewed from the well into the ocean and the long-term effects are still unknown. Eighty seven days elapsed before the well was capped but questions still remain about the long-term effects of the spill on the environment, safety regulations and company negligence. That tragic event changed my trajectory as an artist from making work about the over-consumption of material goods to fossil fuels. My recent work incorporates sculpture, paintings and prints that use the over-consumption of fossil fuels (non-material based consumption) as their central theme. Powerful oil and coal companies have an over whelming grip on all our lives, from our daily activities to our political systems. We are manipulated into con suming more every day. The addictive use of these fuels is a significant cause of climate change. The abuse of these technologically outdated fuels, the structure of our current society and political system, and the unwillingness to change are all factors that can and will be devastating to our environment and our lives. Change needs to happen now, not for our grandchildren, but for us, in the present. "

Roscoe Wilson nació y creció en las Estados Unidos, en el norte de Indiana y el sur de Michigan. Sus valores ambientales se formaron en este entorno def media oeste, en su mayoria rural. Crecer en esta re gion le permitió experimentar la natura/eza y descu brir una conciencia que solo un bosque, un Iago y un campo pueden ofrecer. Wilson pasó a recibir una Li cenciatura en Artes de Wabash College en Indiana, una Maestri a de Artes en pintura I grabado de la. Universidad de Purdue en West Lafayette, Indiana y una Maestria de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Wisconsin (UW) - Madison, donde amplió su edu cación interdisciplinaria al estudiar grabado, in stalación escultórica y pintura. Mientras estaba en la Universidad de Washington, pudo estudiar la historia def ecologismo y se inspiró para sus obras de arte de antiguos residentes de Wisconsin y pioneros def me dia ambiente coma John Muir y Aldo Leopold. Desde 2003 ha ensefiado en las Regionales de la Universidad de Miami en Ohio donde actualmente es profesor de arte y presidente def Departamento de Humanidades y Artes Creativas. "En 2010, me senti profundamente afectado por el derrame de petróIeo de Deep Water Horizon (BP) en el Golfo de Mexico. Millones de galones de petr6Ieo arrojaron desde el pozo hacia el oceano y los efectos a largo plazo aun se desconocen. Ochenta y siete df as pasaron antes de que se cerrara el pozo, pero aun quedan dudas sobre los efectos a largo plaza del der rame en el medio ambiente, las normas de seguridad y la negligencia de la compafHa. Ese tragico evento cambi6 mi trayectoria coma artista de trabajar sobre el consumo excesivo de bienes materiales a los com bustibles fósiles. Mi trabajo reciente incorpora escul turas, pinturas y grabados que utilizan el consume ex cesivo de combustibles f6siles (consume no material) como su tema central. Las poderosas companfas pe troleras y de carbon tienen un control abrumador en todas nuestras vidas, desde nuestras actividades diari as a nuestros sistemas politicos. Somos manipulados para consumir mas cada dfa. El uso adictivo de estos combustibles es una causa importante del cambio cli matico. El abuso de estos combustibles tecnol6gi camente obsoletes, la estructura de nuestra sociedad actual y nuestro sistema politico, y la falta de voluntad para cambiar son factores que pueden ser y seran devastadores para nuestro medio ambiente y nuestras vidas. El cambio debe suceder ahora, no para nues tros nietos, sino para nosotros, en el presente."

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