Human Rights Portfolio

Xavier R. GONZALEZ -- Oaxaca

( Justicia -- Justice)

Xavier R. Gonzalez naci6 en el estado de Oa xaca. De formaci6n inicial autodidacta, en el ai'io 2010 ingres6 al taller de artes p/asticas de la Casa de la cultura oaxaquena. Rea/iz6 murales e imparti6 talleres de arte en dis tintas comunidades de/ estado. De 2014 a 2018 Gonzalez fue alumna del taller de gra bado en el taller de artes plasticas Rufino Ta mayo. Particip6 en diversas exposiciones en el estado y exposiciones colectivas a nivel nacional e internacional. La obra Gonzalez se caracteriza por imagenes oscuras, grotescas o imaginarias coma protes ta contra la injusticia, la destrucci6n eco/6gica o la desigualdad social. "La justicia es un mito, y si existe, esta agoni zando, esta secuestrada, vigilada y vendien dose a quien tiene el poder econ6mico para comprarla. En Mexico hay mucha gente que muere sin haber conocido la justicia."

Xavier R. Gonzalez was born in the state of Oaxaca. Initially self-taught, in 2010 he en tered the visual arts workshop of the House of Oaxacan culture. He made murals and gave art workshops in different communi ties of the state. From 2014 to 2018, Gon zalez studied printmaking at the Rufino Ta mayo plastic arts workshop. He participated in various exhibitions in the state and in group exhibitions at the national and inter national levels. Gonzalez' work is characterized by dark, grotesque, or imaginary images as a protest against injustice, ecological destruction, or social inequality. "Justice is a myth, and if it exists, it is dying, kidnapped, guarded and sold to whomever has the economic power to buy it. In Mexi co there are many people who die without having known justice."

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