Human Rights Portfolio
( Trabajo -- Work)
Mario Guzman Olivares nace en Cordoba Vera cruz en el aflo de 1975. A l os 12 aflos comenz6 su acer amiento con las artes en la Casa de la Cultura de Nanchita l Veracruz. En el ano de 1993 se muda a Oaxaca para estudiar la lnstructoria en Artes Plasticas en la escue l a de Bellas Artes de la UABJO, ademas de comple mentar su formaci6n en el taller l ibre Rufino Tamayo. En 1994 comenz6 a impartir talleres en l os pueblos negros de Oaxaca y Guerrero en la Asociaci6n Civil Mexico Negro. En el ano 2006 Guzman funda con otros j6venes artistas ASARO (Asamb l ea de Artistas Revolucionarios de Oaxaca) realizando grafica con tematica so cial l ogrando exponer en mas de 10 paf ses, ademas de participar en diversos intercambios cultura l es, asf coma diversas exposiciones indi vidua l es y co l ectivas. "El derecho al Trabajo mundialmente es con siderado como uno de los derechos fundamen tales de las personas. Sin embargo el capitalis mo en sus etapas de crisis econ6mica desecha la mano de obra de miles de trabajadores y au menta las horas de explotaci6n, para mitigar sus perdidas. Existe una constante lucha de clases, representado por el burgues dueno de los medias de producci6n y el otro por la clase trabajadora."
Mario Guzman Olivares was born in Cordoba Veracruz in 1975. At the age of 12 he began his initiation into the arts at the House of Cul ture of Nanchital Veracruz. In 1993 he moved to Oaxaca to study Plastic Arts at the UABJO School of Fine Arts, complementing his train ing at the Rufino Tamayo free workshop. In 1994 he began giving workshops in the black towns of Oaxaca and Guerrero through the Mexico Negro Civil Association. In 2006 Guz man founded with other young artists ASARO (Assembly of Revolutionary Artists of Oaxaca) creating prints with a social theme and manag ing to exhibit in more than 1 O countries. Guz man participated in various cultural exchanges and exhibited his work in many individual and group exhibitions. "The right to Work is considered, worldwide, one of the fundamental rights of human be ings. Capitalism, however, in its stages of eco nomic crisis, discards the labor of thousands of workers and increases the hours of exploita tion, in order to mitigate its losses. There is a constant class struggle, represented by the bourgeois owner of the means of production opposed by the working class."
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