Human Rights Portfolio
Iván BAUTISTA -- Oaxaca
(Salud -- Health)
Iván Bautista se graduó en la Escuela de Bellas Aries de Oaxaca, UABJO en la Lie. en Aries Plasticas y visuales con especialidad en Grafi ca. En el 2009 realizó un intercambio academi co en la Escuela Nacional de Aries Plasticas, ENAP-UNAM. Ha recibido distinciones y premiaciones en eventos de Gráfica nacional es e internacionales. Tambien ha participado coma artista invitado en festivales de Gráfica coma Alemania, Cuba, Japón, E. U.A. Actual mente forma pa rte def T aller Burro Press y radica en la Ciudad de Oaxaca. La obra de Bautista se encuentra en colecciones tanto publicas coma privadas. Actualmente cuenta con 12 exhibiciones individua/es en México y ha participado en exposiciones colectivas en paises coma Argentina, Alemania, Australia, España, E. U.A., Francia, Japón, Nicaragua, Nueva Zelanda, Suecia, Finlandia, Sudáfrica, Serbia, Canadá, Taiwan. "Mi estampa sabre el tema de Salud y Bienes tar representa el rostro de una persona que sobresale y respira; esta es la parte del intelec to simb6licamente. Es comun mostrar solo una parte de nosotros, mantenernos ocultos del cuello a los pies, tanto ff sica coma espir itualmente, y tratar de sobrellevar las sintomas de la condici6n humana; tartar de sobrevivir. En la parte de la frente del rostro aparece una mano que es la parte divina que sana o enfer ma. Tambien podemos ver una serpiente que interactua entre la luz y la sombra coma un ser que transforma, renueva y nos ayuda a encon trar un bienestar personal."
Iván Bautista graduated from the School of Fine Arts of Oaxaca, UABJO, with a BA degree in Plastic and Visual Arts and a specialty in Print making. In 2009 he carried out an academic ex change at the National School of Plastic Arts, ENAP-UNAM. Bautista has received several dis tinctions and awards in national and interna tional print events. He also has participated as a guest artist in printmaking festivals such as in Germany, Cuba, Japan, USA. He is currently part of the Burro Press Workshop and lives in the City of Oaxaca. Bautista's work is in both public and private collections. He has to date 12 solo exhibitions in Mexico and has partici pated in many group exhibitions in countries such as Argentina, Germany, Australia, Spain, USA, France, Japan, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland, South Africa, Serbia, Canada, Taiwan. "My woodcut print on the theme of Health and Wellbeing represents the face of a person that emerges from the water and breathes; a part of the body that symbolically represents the intel lect. It is common that we show only a part of ourselves, keeping us hidden from neck to toe, both physically and spiritually, trying to cope with the symptoms of the human condition, i.e. trying to survive. In front of the face, a hand ap pears; it symbolizes the divine part that heals or makes sick. We can also see a snake moving between light and shadow, as a being that transforms, news and helps us find personal well-being."
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